Files & Resources

Please note: The Bylaws, Declaration of Covenants, Conditions and Restrictions (CCR) and Open Space Plan are legally binding and enforceable. The heading above is a link that will take you to a folder where we store the signed and recorded copies of the Association's governing documents. Please become familiar with these documents.

Modification Requests

The purpose of the By-Laws and Covenants, Conditions & Restrictions (CCR), are not to limit an individual homeowner, but rather protect all Members of Heatherwood Village HOA at large.  By maintaining the character and continuity of the Association, Members are protected from potential negative impact and marketability with home values. 

A responsibility of the Board and Committees, is to uphold and preserve the character and continuity of the Association, by enforcement of the By-Laws and CCRs. The Board is committed to following up with violations and seeking to ensure that we all, as neighbors and fellow Members, uphold and maintain the continuity and character of Heatherwood Village.  We appreciate the continued support and cooperation of Members adhering to the By-Laws, CCRs. All plans for home modifications must be submitted by the Homeowner with ALL supporting documentation/Information for review and consideration by the Architectural Committee. Modification Forms are available below and must be submitted online or via the HOA Email:

Resolutions for frequently requested modifications are provided here for reference. The Resolutions were approved by the Architecture Committee and the Board of Directors, in compliance with the By-Laws. 

Financing/Status Letter Information Requests

There are two types of requests regarding financing activity of an HOA property.  

When a request is received, the HOA reviews current dues owing (if any), as well as completes a review of the property for any By-Law violations that need to be remedied.  Closings have been held up where homeowners have added features (i.e. fences/sheds/generators) or made exterior changes (house colors/decks & patios) without HOA approval. If needed, liens are placed on a property to bring into compliance and to protect all HOA member's interest.


If you are refinancing, usually the finance company will request information regarding the amount of dues, special assessment, and if current. Typically, an email response is sufficient.  Members should provide the HOA email to the finance company for such a response.  There is no charge for an email response with this limited information.

Selling a Heatherwood Village Property:

If you are selling your property, the title company of the buyer will typically request for a status letter to be provided.  There is a $100.00 issuance fee for this formal document that provides additional information of the HOA and property.  This includes dues and special assessments, legal action, insurance coverage, utilities, etc. There is an additional $50.00 Rush fee for requests needed within 5 business days.  Use this link request a status letter. Members can also provide the real estate agent/ title company with the HOA email address to request on behalf of the parties.

Please advise the requestor, that a closing date is to be provided with the request and that requests should be made at least 10 business days in advance to limit any issues.